Frequently asked questions

  • A: Yes, all current vacancies are available on our career page.

  • A: We regularly post new positions, consider setting up a personal job alert on at MY JOBPAGE so you can be sure not to miss positions in your field of interest.

  • A: If not stated otherwise, a CV and application letter is all we need.

  • A: We acknowledge a broad perspective and interest for different positions. Therefore, of course you can apply for several positions.

  • A: A clear no, here. As an equal opportunity employer, we do not have age limits for applications. The talent with the best fit will get the offer for the position.

  • A: Yes, of course. For EU citizens, you are free to move, live and work in Germany. For Non-EU citizens you may want to check the broadened possibilities the German government has introduced in March 2020.

  • A: Yes, we have. Please find out more about our Diversity and Inclusion policy here.

  • A: Please understand that our internal recruiting process does not foresee this. The Hiring Manager is however in contact with the Recruiters. Therefore we kindly ask you to address your questions direct to the named recruiting contact.

  • A: You are welcome to contact the Recruiter and/or the Recruiting hotline. However this is only to clarify questions regarding the position or the application process. Thus we do not see that a first contact is needed to impact your chances for a successful application.

  • A: Sorry no, we unfortunately cannot accept late applications.

  • A: Yes, indeed, if you see interesting positions in parallel or one after the other, we encourage you to apply. We look forward to receiving your applications.

  • A: We never stopped recruiting and will continue to hire talented people. As a result of COVID-19, we have introduced alternative working arrangements and virtual meetings to ensure that our employees stay safe and healthy, because the health of our employees is among our top priorities. We look forward to receiving your applications.